Ace Activity Three

After taking this course you'll know exactly how to tackle activity 3 so that you can achieve a top mark in your assessment

Get Top Marks in Activity 3

Learn how in this course

Activity 3 carries 20 marks but many students fail to get anywhere near the top marks in this activity. Why? Because they don't answer the question properly! In this course I'll show you eaxctly how to approach activity 3 and what you need to do to get top marks in this part of your assessment. By scoring well in this activity, you'll be well on your way to obtaining a merit or distinction overall in this unit. Join me to find out how.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    1. All About Activity Three

    2. What does activity 3 look like?

    3. Check Understanding

    1. The more specific the detail, the higher the score.

    2. Mark Scheme - Traits & Bands

    3. Understand How To Get 16 -20 marks

    4. Check Understanding

    1. HOW - NOT WHY

    2. Customer Groups - Things To Think About

    3. Trends In The Industry - Things To Think About

    4. Needs Of The Business - Things To Think About

    5. Overview Of Exactly What I Have To Do

    1. How to improve customer service and communication with customers

    2. How to personalise customer service

    3. How to introduce a customer feedback system

    4. How to improve the customer experience of using the business website

    5. How to implement a campaign of special offers, promotions, loyalty card schemes and membership discounts

    6. How to build an extension on the premises to increase the business offering

    1. How to recognise trends in the sport and active leisure industry

    2. How to market a business in the sport and active leisure industry

    3. How to target specific groups in your industry

    4. How to use social media to market and develop a business in the sport and active leisure industry - Instagram

About this course

  • £10.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

How will this course help me?

Here's what you'll learn

  • What activity 3 requires you to do

  • What the examiners are looking for

  • The best way to structure your answer

  • How to write detailed answers

  • How to get into the top band in the mark scheme

  • Over 20 ways to recommend how a business can market & develop itself

Bonus material

Get access to over 20 recommendations on how to market and develop a business in the sport and active leisure industry

  • Customer Groups

    Detailed recommendations focusing on customer groups. Including how to improve customer service & communication with customers, how to implement a customer feedback system and how to implement a campaign of special offers, such as promotions, loyalty card schemes and membership discounts.

  • Trends In The Industry

    Detailed recommendations focusing on trends in the industry. Including how to recognise trends in the sport and active leisure industry, how to target specific groups in your business and how to use social media to market and develop a business.

  • Needs Of The Business

    Detailed recommendations focusing on the needs of the business. Including how to employ more staff in the business, how to increase the products & services a business offers, how to ensure staff are trained in child protection, health & safety and other legal requirements and how to source & sell merchandise in a sport and active leisure business.

Ace Activity Three

Success in activity three starts here!

Still not sure?

Here's what examiners have said about activity three

"Some candidates are still not clear on the requirements of this activity and provide content which is not credit-worthy."

Avoid making these common mistakes

This course shows you exactly what to do so that you are crystal clear on the requirements of the activity and perfectly placed to score top marks by providing credit-worthy content throughout. Whether you are looking for a pass, a merit or a distinction, this course will help you obtain the high marks you need.